Dec 24, 2008

Planet Pulse podcast for Wednesday, December 24, 2008.

The Moon in hopeful Sagittarius combines with bright ideas from Mercury and Uranus.

View Original Article

This is just a test to see if this podcast, that has been screwed up lately, will play if posted on my blog.



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Dec 2, 2008

Heard Of IMBuzz Creators? Well, They're Giving Away 10 Video Squeeze Pages

Hello there, I'm starting this month of right with a Membership Gift to Affiliate Power Videos for you, from my friends Calvin Woon, Jonathan Teng and Venkata Ramana:

If you're doing affiliate marketing then you'll know that it is one of the easiest and most ideal way to start making money online for beginners.

And if you don't like the idea of creating your own product and handling customer support, all the more I recommend you sign up with Affiliate Power Videos today.

Here's why: At Affiliate Power Videos you get instant access to new, high converting video squeeze pages to 10 tried and tested affiliate programs.

With these video squeeze pages, you can:

  • take your affiliate marketing results to the next level,

  • save time and effort from researching affiliate programs that are proven to convert,

  • set up 10 affiliate 'business-in-a-box' by tonight, and

  • start generating traffic, leads and sales by the truck loads...

+ PLUS you also get 5 new video squeeze pages every month!

At this point, you might be thinking that the membership is going to cost you maybe $97, $197 or even $297 a month.

...But what if I were to tell you that you can get your Silver Member access now at zero cost?

Yep, that's right. You can get your Silver access here for no money down.

No catches, no strings attached.

Here's to skyrocketing your affiliate income in 2009!

B. Stone

P.S. There's no guarantee that the Silver access will remain free forever, so your best bet is to lock your membership access now before they start charging!

P.P.S. I also recommend taking a look at what they have in store for you in their One Time Offer once you sign up. The free stuff is awesome, but the upgrade is unbelievable! Just one word: Overdelivery!


Nov 24, 2008

Information Marketing in 2009? Listen to some of today's top info marketing leaders.

Information Marketing in 2009 ... Is There An Opportunity? Hear today's top information marketing leaders reveal their visions, predictions, best success tips & costly mistakes to avoid in "The Future of Information Marketing: Pros, Cons and Predictions". Access is *still* FREE!
Click Here For Instant Access.

Oct 11, 2008

Better Than Mega5Bucks Was! More Payouts From This New 3X2 Recycling Matrix!

Were you in Mega5Bucks or MegaWealthCashFlowSystem?

It was great and we are sorry it is gone. But we are here to take it's place and we will be bigger and better! Fortune5Bucks takes a small 3X2 matrix, and only a team of 12 is needed to cycle.

There is only a one-time expense of $5. You cycle into Fortune5Minutes, another great program that works the same way, which would normally cost $25 to enter directly.

You also get a re-entry into Fotune5Bucks every time you cycle.

When you join, you get advertising resources valued at $50, all for just $5! real value too, not just some outdated ebooks or stuff you won't use!

Pay It Forward option available for those with a limited budget!

You don't want to miss this one! It's from the same guy who started Steps2Infinity, which has grown to about 4000 members in just a few months. So this could get bigger and even faster. Turn a $5, one-time cost into a daily paying income!

Generous sponsor bonuses too, it really pays to refer others! So when you cycle your referral makes $5 too.

So lets recap.

3x2 recycling matrix
$50 worth of advertising
PIF available

1st cycle you get:

* Entry into Fortune5Minutes ($25 Value)
* $5 cash to you
* $5 cash to your referrer

2nd and future cycles you get:

* $25 cash to you
* $5 cash to your referrer

You also get re-entered back into Fortune5Bucks to continue to use as long as you want.

And there's one more thing... Oh yeah, It's only $5!

Just take my word for it, this is real chance to start making money online. Especially for those that are struggling to find anything that works. So go check it out today, you owe it to yourself to find success.

Sep 24, 2008

Brand New site That Will Virally Explode Your List... AND Your Income.

When was the last time you joined a hot program at the very beginning? Has it been awhile? Well, your luck just changed.

Hello there friends,

List Twister is a new site that combines the best of Mammoth List and the best of Viral URL into the ultimate list-building, money-making site on the 'Net. It's like Mammoth List and Viral URL mated!

List Twister allows you to:

* Add THOUSANDS to your mailing list in WEEKS... not years.
* Email your entire list every 3 days directly from the List Twister site.
* Cloak all of your links and EXPLODE your list.
* Add a text ad that goes out at random in emails sent by OTHER members.
* And... get paid $2 for everyone that joins your list SEVEN LEVELS DEEP!

Everyone that joins your list then begins building your list FOR YOU. So, building a list of thousands takes WEEKS... not years.

And you can email that entire list DIRECTLY FROM THE SITE every 3 days. No lists to download. No software to buy. Just login and send your mail.

This is one hot program!

Imagine if you had gotten into Mammoth List or Viral URL at the very beginning. What do you think your mailing list and income would look like today?

Don't miss out. This is your chance to get in on the next big thing!

Join List Twister today and explode your list... AND your income.

To your success,
B. Stone

PS: The one-time offer is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED if you really want to take this to another level. This upgrade is going to make this the best site to join this year. Hurry over and join today before they raise the introductory price, which won't be long.